iN Necklace
iN Necklace
iN Necklace
iN Necklace
iN Necklace
iN Necklace
iN Necklace
iN Necklace

iN Necklace

定價 580 TWD
單價  每 

iN Necklace

系列中的基礎項鍊,以此為基準作為iN system升級扣件的載體。

INCODER iN system

iN system LOGO

「Nynodal™ 珠繩可結合各種 iN system 升級扣件,放上自己選擇的元素,組裝成想要的樣子。」 

材質: 尼龍、不鏽鋼
重量: 15g
長度: 50cm

└ iN system 升級扣件適用
└ PVD真空電鍍不鏽鋼磁吸扣


The fundamental necklace in the series serves as the base for upgrading with the iN system Add-on acc.